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Terry Hall heeft 3 klassenfoto's en kent 0 schoolgenoten. Benieuwd of jij iemand herkent?
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AanmeldenI lived at the Helicon Stichting for two years with Mhr and Merv Sonke while going to Knippenberg College.
I lived at the Helicon Stichting for two years with Mhr and Merv Sonke while going to Knippenberg College. Some my friends at the Helicon included Kees van Loon, Hans Koolhaas, Henri van Gelder, Guus van Oene. We had no TV, so we spent a lot of time in the evenings playing Canasta and Risk. I remember hearing The Beatles for the first time on Radio Luxemberg. I didn't like them at first, but later changed my mind.
Helicon, 1963
Sorry this is in English, but my Dutch is mostly forgotton.
Sorry this is in English, but my Dutch is mostly forgotton. I was an American living temporarily in Helmond. I returned to the USA after graduating from Knippenberg. Great memories of the school, especially playing softbal and the feestjes. Best friends were Nelly Otten, Driek Verbeek, Hans Heldens. Favorite teachers were Jansen for Aardikskunde, Hermanns for Nederlands and others whose names I have forgotton. I loved seeing photos on the site. There's even one with me in it. Thanks Lieke!
Dr Knippenbergcollege Schol..., 1963