Bekijk het volledige profiel van Sid Soetisna en al je andere schoolgenoten!
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Sid Soetisna heeft 0 klassenfoto's en kent 0 schoolgenoten. Benieuwd of jij iemand herkent?
Meld je snel aan en vind jouw oud-schoolgenoten en klassenfoto's terug!
AanmeldenI have lots of great memories from this school and would love to talk to anyone I went to school with here, I moved to Canada right after grade 6 and have never been back, just heard from this site from my brother who also went to this school.
I have lots of great memories from this school and would love to talk to anyone I went to school with here, I moved to Canada right after grade 6 and have never been back, just heard from this site from my brother who also went to this school. Email me if you remember me please.
De Oase, 1973