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Rien Heynings heeft 1 klassenfoto's en kent 2 schoolgenoten. Benieuwd of jij iemand herkent?
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Mr. Schenk (the doorkeeper)who thought he "owned" the school. Mr. Freitag who was only interested in German. Mr Ruichrok who only did chemistry. And than a teacher I couldn't stand in micro-economy, who stank the room out everytime with his Turkish cigarettes. I believe van der Ven was our Dutch teacher, who called "a spade, a spade" and was liked by most of the students. I wasn't much into "girls", (forgotten most of their names)sport and specifically baseball were my interests at that time. I believe Hans van der Lande made the first ADO team and became a trainer. The Kuiperi brothers (Hans & Leo) enjoyed playing for Storks.
Handelsdagschool, 1954