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pieter l.c.kaan

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I attended a school in 1958 and 1959 situated near a small group of shops.

I attended a school in 1958 and 1959 situated near a small group of shops. The main road at the front of this school was the SLINGE in ZUIDWIJK. According to Google Earth it appears that the school is not there anymore. I lived on the corner of the SLINGE and the SPROKKELENBURG in ZUIDWIJK. I can only remember the name of my teacher to be Jufvrouw SLIKKEVEER and that there was a younger teacher by the name of Jufvrouw Rotterdam. Somehow, I think she was married to one of the members of the VOORMAN family. They owned an Electrical shop or a Bicycle shop in or near the Beierlangselaan or Pretorialaan somewhere in Rotterdam Zuid. My mother was married to a Mr Frans Hollander who operated another shop selling bicycles and repairing them for the VOORMAN family. My family name was probably Hollander but my fathers name was Kaan so I dont remember under which name I was registered into that school. I migrated to Australia in January 1960 and turned 8 years old on the 24 Jan 1960. If anyone can help me with some information or suprise me with class photos of that year, I would very much appreciate it. I can read and understand Dutch but I cannot speak or write it well enough to write this in Dutch. I do remember photos being made at school when I was there such as class photos so maybe someone out there will have one of these to share with me. Perhaps I could be remebered by a "klasgenoot" because the teacher many times made me stand in the corner of the classroom for talking when I was not allowed to. My mother would go shopping nearby and when she looked through the windows of my classroom, she would see me standing in the corner. One day she decided to go in and complain asking "Why is Pietje always standing in the corner?" and the answer was, "He is always talking". I will be 56 years old on the 24th of January in 2008 and I still talk a lot and write a lot too, but I get paid a lot of money to do that and I dont have to stand in the corner anymore. But I love and respect all my teachers in all my schooling years because if it was not for them, I would probably be looking for food in rubbish bins.

openbare kleuterschool de w..., 1958