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Paul White

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Only attended 1 year.

Only attended 1 year. I think it was '77. Klas 1A. Last year of the old wood buildings. Best memory would have to be the book bag bowling on the well worn, smooth wood floors in the halls. Certain people fall over faster then others when hit by a 40 kg heavy book bag coming out of no where. Record was 4 at one time I think. Sorry Bert B, I think you were upset at the time.

S. Adelbert College, 1977

I do remember the names to go with all the faces (33-38 who cares) in the class pictures.

I do remember the names to go with all the faces (33-38 who cares) in the class pictures. Soccer on the Kamperfoelieweg and tuintje sluipen after dark with Mink and Ferus. Stoeprandje, knikkeren, over lopertje enz. Learning Dutch in the school yard. I can still speak it. But after 18 years, I can no longer write it very fast. Mr Tent, I know who broke the toilet at the camp ground during our 6th grade camping trip, but I will never tell. Maybe in another 25 years.

De Ekkel, 1973

Best memories? Give me a few years and I'll think of one.

Best memories? Give me a few years and I'll think of one. I'd have to say the trip to London stands out as the top one. In the middle, internship (stage) bij het GAK. Learned how to play ping pong there at a higher level. At the bottom I'd have to say typing class, without a doubt. That hour was a true waste of my time. Let's face it, have you ever seen any fox, quick or slow, brown or not, ever jump over a lazy dog? Hello to Peter, Harrie, Joost, Dirk, Rene, Monique and Diana.

Verrijn Stuart MEAO, 1984