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Paul JGray

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Paul JGray heeft 2 klassenfoto's en kent 0 schoolgenoten. Benieuwd of jij iemand herkent?

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I attended H.

I attended H.A.V.O (1988/89), two years in one and V.W.O. (1989/90), two years in one. I do not recall much from this school just Marja who taught English (one fab teacher) and a few students: Suzanne Klapper, Alice, Ricky Broekers(R.I.P), Norbert Burleson, Ellis, Frank(Spanish?), Michel Noorlander.

Mercurius College, 1988

I attended this school with my brother Chris.

I attended this school with my brother Chris. (I.S.K. afdeling). Mainly for foreign students who recently moved to NL and still had to learn Dutch. I remember Senor Lopez, Mw Nouwen(?)(one of the greatest teachers ever!!)and of course Vikki my dearest friend, who now lives in New Zealand. My other mates were Duncan from Ghana(his sisters were Victoria and Regina), Kate from Ireland, Dia Dhuit and Darren Monroe from Canada. I was kind of fond of the Spanish girls too ;-) Rosa Robbles, Fatima (will never forget you!) and Beatrix (sisters),Christina and Bergonia!! Hola chicas bonitas. Como estais? There were also Isa, Tekin, and Mehmet, the infamous Turkish clan!

O.S.G. Wolfert van Borselen..., 1980

I was at this school for a period of 4 months only with my brother Chris.

I was at this school for a period of 4 months only with my brother Chris. I recall going on a 'werkweek' camping somewhere having a fabulous time. Unfortunately I can not recall where about.

Combinatie 70, 1980