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Martijn Eerland

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Where to start.

Where to start. For sure meneer Hijsterkamp. Thanks for being there. Ofcourse meneer scheerder, miss Conner, and most of all juffrouw Gloria. The song if you are happy and you know it clap your hands. This is where it all happend. Lets see if i can remmeber most of my classmates. Don't bite my head of if i forgot. Here we go: Andy Carty, Judensy Cofee, Rene ??, Cindo ??, Keneth Cook, Antwoine Augustine, Aline ?? , Dean Chance, Derrick Vlaun, David Pascal, Milissa Vlaun, Elgin Williams, Ajay Baharani, Carlos Lopez, Sophia Peterson, Nicole Carty, Milicent Prince,Cassandra Richardson, Bill Barnes, Lisa Barnes, Charles Bahran. If i forgot people too bad!! Innocence is innocence untill it gets corrupted by names........

Sister Magda Primary School, 1985

Teacher Barbera with that d*** wooden ruler.

Teacher Barbera with that d*** wooden ruler. Teacher David paler than pale. Reading lessons from meneer verloop. My introduction to the Caribbean. Thank you everybody. Geo, Delbert, Miranda, Fergilio, Julian and all others who i met that year.

st Joseph , 1984