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Kizzy .nl heeft 5 klassenfoto's en kent 0 schoolgenoten. Benieuwd of jij iemand herkent?
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Radulphus College, 1991
I was a student at Berklee College of Music, and took musical Theater Advanced ballet, jazz, modern & Tapp, as part of the Pro - Arts program.
I was a student at Berklee College of Music, and took musical Theater Advanced ballet, jazz, modern & Tapp, as part of the Pro - Arts program. Amazing teachers: Luis, Michelle, Tommy!!!!
The Boston Conservatory, 1999
Acting Class! I was a student at Berklee College of Music, and took Acting at Emerson as a Pro - Arts arts Course.
Acting Class! I was a student at Berklee College of Music, and took Acting at Emerson as a Pro - Arts arts Course. So much fun!!!
Emerson College, 2001