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AanmeldenI taught for seven years at the HTS Amsterdam, four as an assistant while I studied for my "ingenieurs" degree at the TH Delft, and then after graduation I worked there as a docent for three more years, before we emigrated to Canada.
I taught for seven years at the HTS Amsterdam, four as an assistant while I studied for my "ingenieurs" degree at the TH Delft, and then after graduation I worked there as a docent for three more years, before we emigrated to Canada.
Hogere Technische School Am..., 1943
Mature student and I had to teach at the same time at the HTS Amsterdam.
Mature student and I had to teach at the same time at the HTS Amsterdam. Professor Pekelharing was a great example and I very much enjoyed the time at the university. Married with three children it was it bit of a blur.
TU Delft - faculteit Werktu..., 1962
This was a three year course in engineering because we received credits for finishing a five year HBS course.
This was a three year course in engineering because we received credits for finishing a five year HBS course. It was a good school. Would like to have some names of my class mates, any help?
Hogere Technische School (HTS), 1954