Ontdek PLUS

Gert Jan van Groningen

Kent 17 personen

MARRIED , 2 kinderen
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Gert Jan van Groningen heeft 4 klassenfoto's en kent 17 schoolgenoten. Benieuwd of jij iemand herkent?

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Ina, Gert, Aris, Sjaak.

Ina, Gert, Aris, Sjaak... Sometimes, I feel so low-down and disgusted... Can't help but wonder what's happenin' to my companions Are they lost or are they found... There is a slow train comin' Bob Dylan

Balthazar Lydiusschool voor..., 1975

Ina, Gert, Aris, Sjaak.

Ina, Gert, Aris, Sjaak... Sometimes, I feel so low-down and disgusted... Can't help but wonder what's happenin' to my companions Are they lost or are they found... There is a slow train comin' Bob Dylan

ds. Baltasar Lydius mavo, 1975

Henk, Jan, Ad, Teunis,.

Henk, Jan, Ad, Teunis,... Sometimes, I feel so low-down and disgusted... Can't help but wonder what's happenin' to my companions Are they lost or are they found... There is a slow train comin' Bob Dylan

Willem de Zwijgerschool, 1969