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AanmeldenI only went to this school for 3 years, as I moved to Canada in 1982.
I only went to this school for 3 years, as I moved to Canada in 1982. I now live in Victoria, Canada and work for a diamond brokerage firm. I am now a Cerified Jeweler and Graduate Gemologist. People I remember fondly from those days are: Marton Vidra, Roel Koetzier, Peter Boendermaker, Annelies Rozeman and Sandra Goedhard (thanks for the birthday card girls!), I would love to hear from anyone who knew me way back then. Cheers to all, Frans Jonker
Bonhoeffer College, 1978
Oh boy there are so many memories, but there are a few that stand out: Flying through the window of a fire-door, and cutting my head wide open is one of them.
Oh boy there are so many memories, but there are a few that stand out: Flying through the window of a fire-door, and cutting my head wide open is one of them. Having a pocket full of "plaffertjes" go off in grade 4 during class, ranks up there. Also winning the city voetbal tournament with school is a great memory. people who I remember fondly from those years are: My neef and life-long best friend Ron jonker, also Rene Ransijn, Mark van Lieshoudt, Willem Broekamp, Roger Salden, Nico Breed, Jan Eltink, and Marton Vidra. If I missed anyone, please let me know.
De Otterkolken, 1973