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Elsje Burggraaf

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    I was a teacher at this Kindergarden.

    I was a teacher at this Kindergarden. I think we moved from the Primary School to this school in 1964, but I am not sure about that. I have fond memories of my time in Schagen, my first job as a Kindergarden teacher. I have still quite a few photos of this time and will try to put them on this website at some stage.

    't Kwetternest, 1963

    I remember the move to the new schoolbuilding.

    I remember the move to the new schoolbuilding. It was very exiting. The facilities and opportunities that this school gave the students was fantastic. I do remember the chemistry classes with Mr Frevel in the old little building. How we set the tables alight with fosforus and how he waited to see who stayed inside the longest. We used to jump outof the large window. Those were the days. And the wonderful plays he and his wife used to direct. I remember with shame how we made the life of that poor Geography teacher hell in year 4 and 5. And how scared we were of juffrouw Scholten when she told you off. I have great memories of my time there.

    Middelbare Meisjes School (..., 1956

    My best friend was Nel Kofman.

    My best friend was Nel Kofman. Wonder where and how you are. I remember Juffrouw Roos and Eikelboom, Meester Paascha, Meester Nout and meester Nijdam ofcourse. I remember meester Nout putting a cigarette in each nostral and making funny faces through the window of the door between the classrooms. I also remember how we did not go on our yearly schooltrip in 1953 and instead invited the kids from the school in Zeeland (I think Zierikzee)to come and stay with us. They had lost everything in the flooding. We did outings in and around Bergen with them.

    van Reenenschool, 1949