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AanmeldenI was at this school (Lauriergracht A/dam) from about 1956/57 aged 3 or 4 op de kleuterschool.
I was at this school (Lauriergracht A/dam) from about 1956/57 aged 3 or 4 op de kleuterschool. I still have an old photo of my 1st day at school. Don't remember much about it, but in my mind I can walk through the front door of the school, up the steps into a very large hall with high ceilings. to the left was a big room where I remember drinking warm milk out of white enamel cup, and having some sort of injection in my arm (innoculation of sorts). Then from the hall up some more steps, turn right and through (what seemed to me to be a very long corridor)with doors on the left leading to the classes of the "big" girls. :O) Then just before a couple of large doors leading into the playground there was another corridor to the right - and that is where my kleuter klas was.. I can see it in my mind as if it was yesterday. My darling mam tells me that she cried all the way home!! I stayed at this school until 13 April 1964, I had just had my 11th birthday. Carrie Verhoeven was my best friend. She lived in De Spuistraat next door to a milk merchant and a car sales. Another friend was Saartje, she lived with her parents on De Singel and her mother used to work at de Krasnapolsky Hotel on the Dam. I don't recall Saartje's surname - but she was a sweetheart! Her mother cooked the best patat in Amsterdam and I was allowed to stay with her for "sleep overs" as I was also with Carrie and her parents. Opposite Carrie's house lived an old lady at the very top of an old house (4 high) with steep, very steep stairs - we used to go shopping for her as she had problems with the stairs.. we couldn't have been more than 8-9 or 10 years old. The truth is, we were a little scared of this old lady. I remember that she had a yellow canary in a cage by the window in a very dark room. Crazy all the things that you remember when you actually start to think about them! I have fond, very fond memories of my childhood in A/dam. Carrie and I used to go to Het Begijn Hofje on the Spui and go ice skating on the Singel. I often wonder what happened to both Carrie and Saartje.. If you do get to read this at any stage, please make contact! it would be so good to hear from you. Mam and I left Amsterdam 13 April '64 and I didn't get a chance to say goodbye to my friends - we left everything behind! I remember standing on the platform of the central station with a small suitcase and my teddybear. I was too young to understand that mam had an unhappy marriage, but where she went I went also! Wat is een kind zonder moeder?? May the sun always shine on you :O) your friend, Elsje
St. Jozefschool, 1956
My best friend was Els van Zutphen, I remember being allowed to go to a dance at a local village hall,it may have been Christmas?? but we danced the night away to "Hans Hu en de Hilltops".
My best friend was Els van Zutphen, I remember being allowed to go to a dance at a local village hall,it may have been Christmas?? but we danced the night away to "Hans Hu en de Hilltops". I thought he was gorgeous!! I still have a photograph. St Joseph's was at the time a boarding school with nuns.. and our dormitory was one huge room with individual sleeping quarters - more like boxes in which there was a bed, a little bedside table and a shelf for books etc. We had a washing bowl to wash in and there were 3 toilets at the very back of the dormitory near the nun's bedroom (she too only had a box to sleep in) It was all very primitive, yet we did have some fun, and I recall us being quite naughty. If I close my eyes I can still see the place and walk up those big stairs all the way to the top. I also recall the dining room with 2 long tables and having to eat raw bacon for breakfast ..ugh!! I went through a very bad time in those years, I doubt whether you will remember.. but if it had not been for you being my friend, I swear I would have gone completely crazy!! Then the day finally arrived when I had a phone call from my Mam to say that I was leaving B/graven & going to England and she asked to speak with Elsje - so some kind person ran all the way to the playing fields opposite the school and told you that you were wanted on the phone..(you were Elsje and I was Els) so when you realised that the call was for me - you ran all the way back to get me!! So Els if you are by any chance reading this, please get in touch. I know we had contact many many years ago when you still lived in Den Haag and then moved to Benidorm with your parents. I hope you are well. I was in Holland a few years ago and went to Bodegraven just to see if the old school was still there, but alas not. I did not recognise the place, it was so quiet with lots of open spaces when we were there at there are many more buildings and trading estates.. just not nice.
St Jozefschool, 1965