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Anita also known as Ietje Van Eijk

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    Anita also known as Ietje Van Eijk heeft 0 klassenfoto's en kent 0 schoolgenoten. Benieuwd of jij iemand herkent?

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    I only spent a few months at his MAVO before moving to Assen.

    I only spent a few months at his MAVO before moving to Assen. I remember a large school and lots of running up and down stairs and thru corridors to get to your next class.

    Openbare MAVO (voorheen: ULO), 1964

    I spent just under one year at this school.

    I spent just under one year at this school. One of my friends was Emmie Hulsing, other names that come to mind were Carla, Aukje, Fenna, Hennie.

    OLS Emmalaan (afgebroken), 1963

    I have fond memories of the Oosterschool.

    I have fond memories of the Oosterschool. My friends were Gerdie Koedam, Olga Versteegh and Carla Post and other names that come to mind are Loesje, Petra, Willy. We used to live in Ericastraat. I left Oosterschool in 1963 when my family moved to Zuidlaren.

    oosterschool, 1958