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Adriaan Fde Kraker heeft 0 klassenfoto's en kent 0 schoolgenoten. Benieuwd of jij iemand herkent?
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AanmeldenWhat is the connection with the school in the Ploegstraat? Is it the same establishment? I remember teachers Boogaard or v.
What is the connection with the school in the Ploegstraat? Is it the same establishment? I remember teachers Boogaard or v.d Boogaard; Hensems (I see his name a few times in your profiles); students Hanni Stoops, Roel Schmidt, Auke Dikkers, Wim van der AA, Sjaan van Donk (or van Dongen), Jan and Henk Verzijl (Jan spent some time in Canada, living with us),Gerard Lassee, Nico Nolet, Arie Boertje, Hans v.d. Hoek who played for Feyenoord, and the girl I had a crush on, Riet Gonlag.
Franklin D Roosevelt Mulo, 1947
Favourite teachers were Mhr.
Favourite teachers were Mhr. Boogaard, or van Boogaard, or van de Boogaard; and Jan Hensems. Students I remember: Arie Boertje, Roel Schmit (spelling of name?), Hans v.d. Hoek (the Feyenoord player) Hannie Stoops, Sjaan van Donk or van Dongen, Gerard Lasse, Nico Nolet (Nolee?), Jan and Henk Verzijl, Wim van der AA, Auke Dikkers, and last but not least Riet Gonlag
Franklin D. Roosevelt MULO, 1947