University of Florida
Gainesville, Fla in Gainesville, ( Toon op kaart )
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Op University of Florida vind je 0 klassenfoto’s en 10 schoolgenoten. Herken jij ze nog?
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AanmeldenWindsurfing, Frat-Party crashing, open-air concerts, U2 concert (500 people attended).
Windsurfing, Frat-Party crashing, open-air concerts, U2 concert (500 people attended). The 'Place' was the place to be when the fall semester started.
University of Florida, 1980
University of Florida, 1976
Studeerde hier aan de Mass-communications/Journalism-faculteit o.
Studeerde hier aan de Mass-communications/Journalism-faculteit o.a. Radio and TV programming en Radio and TV Production.
University of Florida, 2000