Leysin American School
in Leysin, ( Toon op kaart )
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Op Leysin American School vind je 0 klassenfoto’s en 1 schoolgenoten. Herken jij ze nog?
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AanmeldenMarokko, snowboarden, is it taken from the account? , le braq, le baby-foot, het hok, breakdancen, club94, Saas Fee (I'm a girl), Off-piste, rennen om 23.
Marokko, snowboarden, is it taken from the account? , le braq, le baby-foot, het hok, breakdancen, club94, Saas Fee (I'm a girl), Off-piste, rennen om 23.14, Sharp
Leysin American School, 1999
I was here only during the summers of 2001, 2002 and 2004.
I was here only during the summers of 2001, 2002 and 2004. Here I learned what school also can be like, how people can live together and respect eachothers different thoughts without excluding people from the community life.
Leysin American School, 2001