Barry University
11300 NE 2nd Avenue in Tampa, ( Toon op kaart )
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AanmeldenOh men, being a student athlete is fun I was told but not understood those words till I actually choose Barry as my college haven.
Oh men, being a student athlete is fun I was told but not understood those words till I actually choose Barry as my college haven. Coach Dunning who recruited me, bringing big int´l players to Barry to improve the men´s soccer team, told me to stay away from the beaches for at least three months to avoid distraction. YEAH RIGHT....penny draft on thursday at the Hungry Sailor in the Grove, Friday´s Cameo´s, Saturday any bar on Washington Ave, Sunday´s and Monday´s Fat Black Pussy Cat....Ok, I missed a champ ring by one goal, All American status and breaking school records on and off the field.What can I say; thanks coach Dunning....(But I got that Master´s degree in Int´l Business and Finance tho!!!)
Barry University, 1992
Barry University, 1978